New research has found that your household cleaning products can make you very sick. This new research has found that there are 20 harmful toxins in your home cleaning products that can be causing serious health problems for you.
These 20 toxins get into your body in many ways. When you are using them, they get into the air so you and your family breathe in the toxic fumes. As you are cleaning with them, they get into your body through your skin. They also get into your body through your skin when you touch the surfaces that you’ve cleaned with them and they get into your bloodstream through your skin when you wear your clothes.
The popular brand cleaning products use synthetic ingredients that are cheap to produce. It is much more expensive to get natural cleaning ingredients. Synthetic ingredients make bigger profits for the household cleaning product companies, but they are unsafe to use.
Natural-derived cleaning products are totally safe to use and they clean much better than synthetic cleaning products. EdenPURE® produces the highest quality natural-derived cleaning products that are super safe and super powerful.